One-Of-A-Kind Dad | Happy Father’s Day

I love hearing my father tell the story about when my mother told him he was going to be a dad. My mom may describe it a little differently, knees shaking, hands gripping the stair railing as if his whole life was flashing in front of his eyes and there may or may not have been some deep gasps to find air, haha!!  My sister, brother and I laugh so hard hearing him re-live this story.  But at the end of the story, he always pauses and says, “and it was the best thing that has ever happened to me”.

My father is a sentimental, reflective man with a wonderful sense of humor.  He has a huge heart and someone who genuinely cares for others.  I am thankful for his dedication to the family, for leading by example, and always teaching us “kids” the true meaning of living.  He has shown us how to find appreciation in the simple things and encourages us to stay true to who we are while staying focused on the good, with your faith guiding you always. He has taught us the fun in getting dirty, playing hard, working harder, falling and getting back up to try again.       

If you asked my dad what his greatest achievement is, he would say his family.  
If you asked him what his fondest memory of our childhood is, he would say summers spent at the beach in Groton Long Point, CT.
If you asked him what his most cherished childhood memory is, he would say playing into the late summer nights with his brothers and cousins, who were his neighbors.
If you asked him what his favorite material item is, he would say the front porch swing my grandfather built with his own two hands.
If you asked him what his favorite dessert is, he would say frozen Hostess Cupcakes because they remind him of his youth and sneaking into my grandparents freezer to secretly indulge.
If you asked my father what his favorite thing to do today would be, he would say spending time with his granddaughter up in Maine at “Munkles”, my nieces nickname for my brother Mike.

I wish all you incredible dads out there a Happy Father’s Day!  I have the honor of knowing and photographing so many fabulous fathers who are raising strong, kind, courageous, adventurous children.  Thank you for leading by example, for fostering the minds and hearts of your children.  Thank you for your influence and dedication to showing your children that family is everything.  To those who may be remembering and celebrating your fathers in your hearts, I wish you continued peace and comfort on this special day.

Happy Father’s Day!


 This picture was taken on our recent trip up to Maine while visiting my brother.  This is so us :).  Anne Miller