I wasn’t intending to use today to write but sometimes inspiration strikes and I wake up with a thought or reflection, jot it down quickly, and see where it takes me from there.  Today was about the Olympics.  And then the day continued… I ran into an old high school teammate and friend today.  She congratulated me on going full-time […]

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It took me a while to fall asleep last night, as Justin leaned over to say goodnight, he said “Happy Birthday baby” as it was after midnight.  I lay awake thinking about turning 36, crossing into my later 30’s and how my mid-30’s treated me with growing my heart and finding peace in my life.  Thankful for […]

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When I’m asked what has given me motivation over the years while building my photography business and balancing an extremely fast-paced full-time job, I immediately say parents, signs, and of course a lot of coffee!  Many of my personal signs have come through music but on this date last year, I received a different kind of sign, one I will never forget. […]

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During their family session last August, they had yet to receive the exciting news that they were expecting their second baby girl.  Shortly after their session, I will never forget receiving the phone call from my loving friend sharing the happy news as she told me how those photographs will always hold that much more meaning knowing their sweet girl was with them all […]

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On my flight down to Atlanta to The Fount Collective Workshop last month, I pulled out my brand new journal and while listening to my flying playlist (a playlist I created for previous work travels), I remembered how much I get lost in my own thoughts or simply reflecting during flights.  Even though I always pack a few magazines and a […]

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  • Ashley Landry - Your images were absolutely beautiful! And, I loved reading your take of everything! Now the more important thought… Is it time to go back yet?!ReplyCancel

    • milleranne - Thank you so much Ashley! I loved meeting you and still enjoy remembering our special time at the workshop! Yes, let’s go back!!ReplyCancel