Do you have words that you live by? If so, do you plaster them around your home or keep them close by to pull out when you need a quick reminder?
I’ve realized that I don’t showcase my mantra all too often. It’s something nestled within the wording of my welcome packets and printed on my business cards. This mantra consists of words I came up with after brainstorming and believing in so deeply about a vision I am building my photography business on. Words that are incredibly important to me in my own personal life and words that sum up my goals, my vision, and all the creative energy that flows within.
I’ve realized that I don’t showcase my mantra all too often. It’s something nestled within the wording of my welcome packets and printed on my business cards. This mantra consists of words I came up with after brainstorming and believing in so deeply about a vision I am building my photography business on. Words that are incredibly important to me in my own personal life and words that sum up my goals, my vision, and all the creative energy that flows within.
I share to inspire or to encourage you to create key words in your life or for your own business philosophy. You probably already have unspoken words you didn’t even realize they were your words. For me, these words have helped keep me on track and have pushed me along the way. I see them when I look at my phone and are displayed on the chalkboard in our kitchen.
My wonderful mentors, Ashley and Chris taught me the importance of establishing my WHY and for me, these four words, in this exact order, encompass everything I believe in and are at the core of my business values.
Live for today.
Create for tomorrow.
Inspire along the way.
Be in the moment.
This week I’ve tried to be in the moment and appreciate a little downtime with my love. This quiet time has made me realize that it’s ok to stop and take a deep breath to collect your thoughts. It’s actually necessary. Our time together has included afternoons of sipping frothy coffee, listening to the sounds of the ocean waves, and eating chocolate chip cookies!

This post is dedicated in loving memory of my Grandmother. Today would have been her 79th birthday.