Tag Archives: Connecticut Family Photographer

Growing up, I have to admit I thought my name was so boring and plain.  I had friends with much cooler, more interesting names and it seemed as if everyone had a nickname that derived from their name except for me.    I… Was… Just…  Anne…Blah.   But as I grew older, I began to appreciate my […]

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Who doesn’t love a great story!  Not the stories we read before bed or that we get from the library or these days on our kindles.  It’s the stories we share with each other that connect us.  Life is filled with so many beautiful, tiny moments that leave us wanting to share our stories both past and […]

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We live in a world filled with reminders and to-do lists.  Reminders when our check engine light comes on to tell us it’s time for a tune-up.  Reminders that pop up in our inbox 15 minutes before a meeting.  Or the reminders we get from the Doctor’s office letting us know our appointment is coming […]

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Through the good times and difficult times, who are your truth tellers?  When the sun is shining (like today! whoohoo!) or when the dark clouds roll in, who are your truth tellers?  I fell in love with this expression when our priest delivered his homily, a powerful message, which resonated deep within my soul.  So […]

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