Category Archives: Personal

I wasn’t intending to use today to write but sometimes inspiration strikes and I wake up with a thought or reflection, jot it down quickly, and see where it takes me from there.  Today was about the Olympics.  And then the day continued… I ran into an old high school teammate and friend today.  She congratulated me on going full-time […]

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When I’m asked what has given me motivation over the years while building my photography business and balancing an extremely fast-paced full-time job, I immediately say parents, signs, and of course a lot of coffee!  Many of my personal signs have come through music but on this date last year, I received a different kind of sign, one I will never forget. […]

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On my flight down to Atlanta to The Fount Collective Workshop last month, I pulled out my brand new journal and while listening to my flying playlist (a playlist I created for previous work travels), I remembered how much I get lost in my own thoughts or simply reflecting during flights.  Even though I always pack a few magazines and a […]

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