Category Archives: Personal

Mother’s Day is a day I have come to appreciate and have watched and listened to many stories that have helped me understand the depth and layers that may come in celebrating this special day.  As we get older, we realize more and more how much our own mothers did for us.  How they raised us […]

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There is so much to catch up on from these past few months.  As you may have read earlier this week I shared the exciting news that I recently left my full-time job in television production after 13 years to devote my full attention and care into running my photography business full-time! I am still […]

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I know we are all anxiously awaiting the weather to catch up with the season.  The excitement of the warm sun hitting our face is slowly almost becoming our reality and I am most certainly dreaming of sunset family portrait sessions on the beach! But to be honest, these April showers make me appreciate the […]

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There were times I thought 2015 was one big incredible dream that I would eventually wake up from.  But thankfully it was all real, it all happened.  Memories and stories that touched my heart, new meaningful friendships that I am so grateful for.  Moments shared together that put the biggest smiles on my face and […]

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This week I attended the Rising Tide Summit, a three night online conference hosted by the RisingTide Society, a group created to educate and empower creatives to succeed and join together to honor community over competition.  And man was it amazing and exactly what I needed this week!   All the speakers were incredible, each one leaving their words echoing […]

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